Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Look who came in 1998............

I thought it would be fun to post this picture from our 30 year reunion. Can you name them all?


Doug Russell said...

Great photo Colleen! I can't remember everybody's name, but there sure are a lot of cute girls and old fat bald guys (including me)!
I think it is awesome that Patrice is sharing her home with us. I can't wait to see it. If there is anything I can do to help, PLEASE, just let me know. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on Sept 6th. 40 years!! Damn!!
Doug Russell

Patrice said...

I have to add something here. This is not my home but my brother, Jerry and his wife, Vickie's. They have been very generous to let us have it for the weekend. It will be awesome!!!

Sue (MOM) said...

Can we get the names to go with the faces in the pictures? There are a lot that I am not able to recognize.