Thursday, July 31, 2008

1st Week....Look who we heard from!!!

Half of the postcards went out just last week and already we have heard from some of our classmates. Take a look at who we heard from this week. We will keep you posted.

Robert Peterson emailed us. He is excited for the reunion.
He and his wife are planning on attending.

Charlene Hodson called Brenda and she is also planning on attending.

Guy Knight sends his regrets. He and his wife will be in Figi.

Diane McFarland called and she is planning on coming.

Doug Russell is planning on coming and would like to put a golf game together. Any takers?

Joanne Faber will once again miss our reunion. Her in-laws are celbrating their 80th & 90 Birthdays. But she is sending chocolate. Thanks, Joanne

Roger Huston lives in Texas and told Wendy he would like to come.

The following have all decided to come as well. Brenda, Gary, Wendy, Patrice, Cathy, Colleen, Dixie and Jone will all be there!! We hope to see you there. Keep those phone calls and emails coming in!!

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