Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Update on Who is coming and a few possible Maybe's

So here is the latest on who is coming for sure, who we have heard from this week who say they are coming, and a few thru the grapevine that they say they are coming.

The "For Sure's"

Marilyn Ellis & Layne Thompson

Butch Pomeroy

JoDell Jones

Judy Hunter

Bob Dabling

Roger Hunt

Jerald Bowden

So here are the "Possible Maybes"

Randy Chambers emailed and said he was a "maybe" and that Brent Hogge was coming.

Brent Hogge

It looks like we really need to spread the word about the reunion as we got back a "bunch" of postcards we sent out. So if you have kept in touch with any of our classmates, give them a call and tell them about the reunion. It is going to be a great evening. Layne Thompson has something up his sleeve I hear.

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